Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Minor Setback

Last Thursday I developed a cough and by evening had a fever to go along with it. I have been fighting something (maybe the flu) ever since. The fever went away by Saturday morning but the aches and cough/cold symptoms linger. I didn't bother with the doctor since it hasn't gotten any worse and everyone else I know who is sick has been advised by their doctors not to come in unless it gets worse (medical advice by proxy I guess). So, I don't know what I had/have but it sucks!

The good news is I am finally starting to feel a little better. The bad news is I haven't been able to work out since Thursday. Yuck! I really want to get back into it but am trying to be smart so this doesn't turn into a 2 or 3 week ordeal. I did finally lift weights a bit today and seem to be OK and I plan to run tomorrow so that will be the real test. I can't wait to see how much stamina I've lost (not). I was really rolling too. Oh well. $h!t happens.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Maybe I should stop training (not)

After a weekend trip to Niagara with Susan and the kids where I did almost nothing for three days and ate like a pig I came home today and ran a PR on the 6.5 mile loop at work and discovered I lost another 1/2 pound. At that rate if I do nothing and eat poorly until next September I should be able to run a sub 9 hour race!

Seriously though, it's nice to see that the work I've already put in is paying off even when I can't (don't) train and eat the right foods. The lean muscle I've added is burning calories even when I'm off for a couple days. Another sign that I continue to head in the right direction. There is hope for me yet!

Monday, October 12, 2009

And now for something completely different...

Saturday morning Susan and I ran in a 5k Bootcamp challenge at the Twinsburg fitness center. Many of our bootcamp friends were there along with some new faces (about 35 people total). It was a blast!

Mike (the Bootcamp instructor) put the course together around the fitness center and some of the school and park facilities nearby. It consisted of a 5K run sprinkled with obstacles and challenges. We had to do lunges, squat lifts, sand bag carries, hurdles, cones, pushups, medicine ball throws and LOTS of low crawls under nets. Mike is a Marine after all so the low crawls were not that big of a surprise. It truly was a challenge and we had a good time.

I didn't get chicked (see Josh's blog here: http://gettinchicked.blogspot.com/ if you don't know what that means) and I was fifth or sixth overall. I had already done a spinning class earlier in the morning so I was a little fatigued at the end. Otherwise I would have caught Dwayne who finished just ahead of me (at least that's what I'm telling myself). I may have held back a bit too because I didn't want to make him feel bad. He's a lot younger than me and I didn't want to bruise his ego.

As a bonus, after the race we realized that everyone who finished ahead of us had taken a couple of wrong turns and didn't run the entire course. As a result Dwayne and I decided we were really first and second! Congrats Dwayne! Let me know when you get your trophy because I'm sure mine won't be far behind.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


T-1 is shorthand for the first transition in a triathlon, from the swim to the bike. Since I'm sort of at the first transition between phases of my training the title seemed to fit for this post. I'm obviously not transitioning from swimming to biking but there is definitely change in the air.

After almost 2 full months of nothing but running I am starting to add biking to my routine and swimming will soon follow. I had predicted this wouldn't happen until November, but there are several reasons for the change. First, I have gotten better at running much sooner than I thought I would and my runs are getting longer so I don't want to run every day any more. It's easy to go every day when it's 3 miles, not so much when it's 6. Second, I have lost weight more quickly than I thought I would (18 pounds so far!) so I can ease up on the activity (running) that makes me lose the most. Third, I was getting bored running every day. The stationary bike is not my favorite either but at least it's different and the pool will add even more variety. Fourth, the weather is changing and not every day is conducive to running. I know the hard core runners would disagree, but there are some days I just can't go outside. Finally, it is a triathlon I'm training for so I do need to do all three sports.

I feel pretty strong on the bike already. It's probably a result of all the running but so far I've just ridden the stationary bike in the fitness center at work. The real test will be when I get on the tri-bike on my trainer at home. I'll let you know how that goes. Maybe this weekend.