Last Thursday I developed a cough and by evening had a fever to go along with it. I have been fighting something (maybe the flu) ever since. The fever went away by Saturday morning but the aches and cough/cold symptoms linger. I didn't bother with the doctor since it hasn't gotten any worse and everyone else I know who is sick has been advised by their doctors not to come in unless it gets worse (medical advice by proxy I guess). So, I don't know what I had/have but it sucks!
The good news is I am finally starting to feel a little better. The bad news is I haven't been able to work out since Thursday. Yuck! I really want to get back into it but am trying to be smart so this doesn't turn into a 2 or 3 week ordeal. I did finally lift weights a bit today and seem to be OK and I plan to run tomorrow so that will be the real test. I can't wait to see how much stamina I've lost (not). I was really rolling too. Oh well. $h!t happens.
14 years ago