Monday, November 2, 2009

Never thought I'd say this...

...but I missed running. The minor setback turned into 10+ days of coughing and wheezing and I wasn't able to do much cardio. Not for a lack of trying though. I headed out to run on at least 3 different occasions but was turned back each time. Today I broke through.

It started Saturday after Bootcamp when Carol made me stay after and run 2 miles with her. Thanks Carol!! That got me jump started and today I went out for 4.5 at work. It was a bit slow and I was fatigued at the end but it felt really good to get back out there. It's amazing how quickly the stamina fades when you can't run, but I am confident I'll get it back pretty quickly too. Just in time for winter. Yeah!!


  1. Hey there,
    I know you think you are better, but I live with a guy who doubles over and sounds like he is coughing up a lung!!! Do you know this person? This person was suppossed to go to the health clinic today. Did He?
    You should post your blog address on facebook so that our bootcamp friends can log on and follow your progress.

  2. Glad to hear you are feeling better.
